Thread: Clotted Cream
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Susan Edkins
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"Bob (this one)" > wrote in message
> Susan Edkins wrote:
>> "limey" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message >
>>> FB wrote: >
>>>>> Does anyone have a simple receipe for Clotted Cream and not
>>>>> the Cooked version please. I have found one that uses Cream
>>>>> and Sour Cream but this is for more of a lite dessert, Any
>>>>> ideas folks
>>>>> Greg
>>>> In a word, no. Authentic Clotted Cream can only be made using
>>>> heat and is made with nothing more than un-homoginzed and,
>>>> preferably, un-pasteurized whole milk. Nothing else produces
>>>> Clotted Cream.
>>>> Wayne in Phoenix
>>> Agreed.
>>> Dora

>> I have no idea how good this is, but Alton Brown has a no-cook
>> technique. He pours heavy cream in a coffee-filter basket (with
>> paper filter liner) and refrigerates. The whey drips into a
>> container below and you scrape the "clotted" cream out of the
>> coffee filter.

> That's not really clotted cream. It's just a more concentrated milkfat.
> Pastorio

Yeah, but can even heavier heavy cream be all bad??!!? Seriously, though,
the OP got me thinking about making clotted cream, as the 4 oz bottles I can
buy run about $5.00 US. I did some Googling, and found recipes that call for
heating either whole milk or heavy cream in the process.Which would you
recommend? And must the dairy be unpasteurized? That may take some hunting.
Last night I used the last spoonful in my jar on a still slightly warm mocha
custard. Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy.

