Gregory Morrow wrote:
> It seems that a peanut allergy has become almost "fashionable" for a kid to
> have - kind of like ADD. I'm not discounting that in fact some people have
> peanut allergies but yes, your allergy is not *my* responsibility, at least
> in the public realm.
I know someone who has to carry an epipen because of her allergy to peanuts, and
because I have heard so much about it. But the jury is out for me on ADD and
its variants. We had kids like that in school. I was one of them. We were called
brats, and being raised in the 50's the treatment was a swat on the rear. In
most cases it did some good. The rise in "ADD" is probably closely related to
the elimination of corporal punishment. Luckily, there has been some progress in
the treatment of this new syndrome. It involves concentration exercises.
Basically, the kids are forced to pay attention. While it is not effective in
all cases it has certainly helped to filter out those kids who are truly ADD and
those who are just brats.
> The onus to protect your kid or whoever is on you, not
> me...
I agree.