nut wrote:
> "EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" > wrote in message >...
>>fats grobnik wrote:
>>>in movies i've seen waiters in restaurants lighting a steak on fire
>>>before serving it off the pan.
>>>it looks so cool. how is this done? what causes the flame? is it
>>>and once it's lit, how do you kill the fire?
>>And what does THIS topic have to do with classical music?
> i figgered people into classical music would also be into gourmet eating.
To a large extent, I "figger" you're right! Certainly a
fair number of gourmet dishes have been named for famous
opera singers. "Peach Melba", "Melba toast", "spaghetti
Caruso", are all I can think of at the moment, but there are
many, many more. Since many performers are also gourmet
cooks, there have even been cookbooks published featuring
the "favorite" recipes of various stars of both classical
and popular music.