Why does my bread fall?
I've made three batches of whole wheat bread from the same bread
machine recipe. The first time, it came out better than any bread I'd
ever made before. But the last two batches have fallen, resulting in
bread that has not been so good. (However, it makes great crackers
when sliced very thin and toasted.)
Each time, I take the dough out of the bread machine before it bakes.
I divide it into two and bake it in glass pans so the loaves will be
horizontal instead of vertical. I cover the pans with a damp dish
towel and put them in a 100 degree oven to rise again.
The first time, the dough rose at least 1/2" over the sides of the
pans. The other two times, it rose to the top of the pans then
subsequently fell about 1/2".
There are two things I know I did differently the second and third
1) Press the dough into the pans using the back of my fingers. I read
to do this in the Tassahara bread book.
2) The yeast had never been refrigerated the first time. After
opening, I keep it in the refrigerator. But I measured two teaspoons
into a small dish and allowed to warm overnight to room temp before
Is it possible that either of these changes could have caused my
loaves to fall? If not, can you give me some ideas what the problem
might be?
Bob Simon
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