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In article >,
(Davidius) wrote:

> If I am to, once a week, grill enough steak and chicken to last me
> until the next, what will be best? To freeze it after grilling, or to
> refrigerate it? I am concerned more with taste than safety, though if
> I can, I would like to avoid dying.
> Thanks,
> -Davidius

If your refrigerator is good and holds a minimum temp. of 40 degrees or
less, you can just refrigerate it. :-) I often cook enough food during
the week to last 3 to 5 days and I'm still here! Best used within 5 days
tho' imho.

I don't like to freeze cooked food. I've personally found that frozen
cooked meat freezer burn quickly, or just tastes "funky". Smoked meats
seem to freeze better. Are you wood/charcoal or gas grilling? That seems
to make a difference.

But, this is just my personal experience. :-) Others many have differing


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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra