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(Derek Lyons) writes:
>Dave Smith wrote:
>>I used to bake stuff for the bake sale
>>at my son's school. Then I found out that they were selling the stuff for

>less than
>>it cost me to make them. Nuts to that. All I was doing was providing someone

>>cheap baked goods and the school was getting the money.

>Um. That's the *point* of it.

'Zactly! The cake is a *donation*, to the school, not a cake for a contest at
the county fair. The trick is to bake as cheaply as possible while making your
school bake sale cake look as handsome as possible. The folks buying at school
bake sales realize they're making a donation too, so they don't mind spending
say $5 on a cake for which you donated $2 worth of ingredients, plus your time
and effort ('zactly what occurs at the corner bake shop, btw). If you're going
to spend $10 on ingredients for a cake that will sell for $5 then the best
thing is to buy your own cake.... you've donated $5 plus your time and effort
and you're not out any part of the money you spent on your cake... you get to
eat your cake and have it too.

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."