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George B. Ross
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Default Spur of the Moment Q

Finding myself with nothing to do tomorrow (except watch
college football all day), I headed out to WalMart after lunch
today and picked up a couple briskets (13.1 and 14.5 lbs @
$1.28/lb) and a turkey (22.7 lbs @ $.58/lb). Need to practice
up for Thanksgiving on the new pit. At least that's what I told
SWMBO and she bought it for the time being.

She must have been to the sewing/craft/furniture store this week
and didn't tell me yet because she was awfully agreeable.

I'm going back to basics with the brisket this time. One will
be salt and pepper, the other will get something more, don't
know what until I start throwing it together in the morning, but
paprika or garlic or onion powder are likely candidates. I
think the turkey will get a salt/pepper rub and some
quartered onions and apples in the cavity.

And don't worry about the football, I think I can still squeeze
in about 4-5 games while feeding wood to the pit.

George B. Ross is
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