Bob wrote:
> Fudge wrote (I undid top-posting, which causes crabs):
>>>BTW, I used a 50/50 recipe of cream & bittersweet.
>>But but but.... where is the recipe? Please post!
> Do you really not know? Okay, I'll humor you:
> 50/50 Cream & Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache
> 50 dekagrams bittersweet chocolate, grated
> 50 dekagrams cream
> Put both ingredients into a double boiler over barely simmering water. Stir
> gently until chocolate is melted and fully incorporated into the cream.
> Makes 1 kilogram of ganache.
Actually, how I was told was 16 oz Bittersweet chopped finely and 16 oz
heavy cream. Bring the cream to a simmer, and then pour over the
chocolate. let sit for a few minutes. Stir (not whip) together. let
sit & cool till slightly thickened & ready to pour over a cake.