Dog3 wrote:
> Our 1st Trader Joe's had the grand opening on Friday. It is not too far
> from my house. I've seen the store mentioned in threads in the past. What
> do the people that shop there think about it? I'm leafing through their
> Grand Opening brochure and they have what looks to be some very decent
> items. Except the 60% brie. It does not sound so good to me. The prices
> look pretty good too. Not low but not as high as Straub's. I think I'm
> going to mosey over there tomorrow and have a look-see.
> Michael
> --
If you have a sweet tooth, you'll be in heaven.
Their dark chocolate covered coffee (espresso?)
beans are delicious. They have 10 lb slabs of
Ghirardelli chocolate, smaller bars of imported
chocolate, yummy cookies, good frozen blintzes
(both cheese and vegetarian), all kinds of
dried fruit and nuts, different crackers than
you'll find in the typical supermarket, decent
cheeses, interesting sauces, pastas and grains.
Wine prices and selection are good as well as
imported and microbrew beers.
The thing I miss most about our daughter's family
moving to Colorado from the San DIego area is not
being able to go to TJ's, Ikea, and the farmers'
gloria p