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Ranee Mueller
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In article >,
unicate (Alexis Siefert) wrote:

> Just so you know that the world hasn't gone completely insane
> everywhere, I'll share with you. I teach kindergarten. I absolutely
> love it when parents send in homemade treats, snacks, bread, etc. I
> welcome them all with open arms (and my students welcome them with
> open mouths).

Thank you!

I bake for our friends and family, and of course check on allergies
and preferences, but to say it's against the rules to bake for teachers
or a bake sale? Why have bake sales? Why have potlucks if nobody can
make the food? Can't people just decide not to buy stuff with allergens
in it, or not eat the food brought by Mrs Snow who always uses yucky

Ranee (who has made one teacher gift for Christmas already, and has
to make another for the Spanish teacher)

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