Thread: Vons/Pavillions
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Squeaks wrote:

> When I was in Vons today, I overheard two employees talking about what
> they're going to bring to tomorrow's bake sale (10/30/04). Upon
> inquiry, I was told they're having a bake sale for breast cancer
> research. Upon further inquiry, each employee seems to be expected to
> bring baked goods to sell for the charity. Upon even further inquiry,
> the employees are supposed to buy the ingredients, as well as bake and
> donate the finished proceeds. I plan to buy the baked goods as a way
> to donate to a laudable cause, but I am a mite conflicted about it and
> I'm not sure why.
> Vons/Pavillions is giving their employees a venue to raise money for a
> good cause. Vons/Pavilions is getting some good publicity on the
> shoulders of their employees. The good cause gets good bucks. So, why
> am I feeling "off" about this? (Too much work this week and my brain's
> fried??)

Maybe because Vons is FORCING their employees to contribute time and money
to the charity, but the employees don't get the tax break normally
associated with the donations? After all, if Vons (as a corporate entity)
actually donates the money then the CORPORATION gets a tax break, while the
employees (who actually sacrificed their money and time) get NOTHING.

Moreover, since the employees aren't getting reimbursed for their expenses,
ANY price can be set on the baked goods. Loaves of bread could be sold for
one cent apiece, and the bake sale would still come out ahead -- and it's no
skin off VON's nose. Therefore, the bake sale represents charity double-dip
contributions: The employees are perforce contributing, and the customers
are also contributing.

(I'd also be suspicious of where the money went, and whether Vons got a cut
of it for providing the venue.)
