>"PENMART01" wrote in message
>> Only someone with more dollars than brain cells would pay the astronomical
>> tuition simply to experience pot stirring while decked out in a crisp set
>> whites... because if you have the natural talent and cook regularly then
>> is no knowlege base there for you to acquire, none whatsoever.
>But the graduates walk out of there with good paying jobs.
"good" is subjective, I suppose if someone earned 10K/yr flipping burgers prior
to cooking school and afterwards earned 20K/yr at an entry level cooking job
than I suppose some would say they got a good paying job, after all they
doubled there pay... but I don't consider that very much considering the time,
effort, cost involved to attain that lofty plateau.
>Cooking aside,
>they do get training in business managment, costing, and other non-cooking
>related operations of a restaurant.
An MBA in business administration would have been a far better choice, would
open a lot more doors and the pay infinitely greater... that's what the big
hotel chains look for, not someone with a slide rule in one hand and a spatula
in the other.
Entry level cooking jobs just don't pay very well, there are few benefits if
any, the work is physically demanding, the hours damned long, working
conditions stink (literally and figuratively) and one doesn't get to work with
the nicest sorts of people... typical kitchen employees are very likely to be
uneducated/illiterate, illegals, and those with a criminal background are very
I wouldn't want any kid of mine aspiring to working in a kitchen.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."