>"Edwin Pawlowski" writes:
>"HW" wrote:
>> Don't know if this is better suited in a "science"-y newsgroup, but does
>> anyone know if there is anything wrong with putting a toaster oven on
>> top of a microwave?
>> I know you're not supposed to use both at the same time, but wasn't sure
>> about placement.
>As long as no vents on the mw are being blocked it is OK.
Yes, and there is no reason both can't be used simultaneously so long as the
supply line(s) can carry the load.... just be sure there is plenty of head room
above (and around) the toaster oven, you don't want the top of the toaster oven
too close to the bottom of wall cabinets (and/or too close to a wall) or a fire
can occur. NEVER LEAVE A TOASTER OVEN UNATTENDED... especially not in the
broil mode.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."