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Hag & Stenni
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Default Cards for Michael

On Fri, 05 Dec 2003 22:29:09 GMT,
(j.j.) wrote:

>As of 2:30 PM (PDT), I've received and fulfilled 17 requests for
>Michael's address at the hospital. You guys are *so* great! But
>where were you when I had my surgery in 2000, huh? Sheesh! ;-)
>Seriously, though, I may not be online much this weekend; so
>anyone who sends a request now, please be patient and I'll get
>the address to you by Monday.
>Have a good weekend, all... :-)
> j.j. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~
> heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!

Please wehn you get a chance we would llike to send Him a
card also...TKs Hag & Stenni k

As a beauty Im not a star, there are
others more handsome by far, but my
face I dont mind it because Im behind
it, its the folks out front that I jar...

Pull a loraine Bobbit (cut off waynespenis) to reply