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Alex Rast
Posts: n/a
at Tue, 02 Nov 2004 00:48:52 GMT in >,
(Bob (this one)) wrote :
>Alex Rast wrote:
>> at Sat, 30 Oct 2004 08:09:59 GMT in
>> >,
>> (Denise Lane) wrote :
>>>I made a load of this for a cake a while back & froze the leftovers.
>>>I had TONS left over. First time, so I didn't know how much I needed.
>>>Is it possible to thaw, melt & re-use? Will it set up like it should?
>> ...
>> Don't melt it in an attempt to re-use. What will happen is that the
>> cocoa butter will separate and you will be left, once everything
>> cools, with a congealed cocoa butter mass and a thick chocolate paste.
>In my restaurants, we routinely made large batches of ganache and
>froze what we weren't using that day. Thawing and gently warming
>rendered them liquid again without separation. We let them warm to
>kitchen temperature sitting on a worktable, and then warmed them over
>90°F water, stirring now and again. Then use as usual.
Good method. Yes, that should work. I was thinking the OP would try melting
in the normal way - over a double-boiler. One issue with your method is
that you will have to be careful about getting the right water temperature,
and there aren't too many kitchen thermometers that do a good job of
reading temperature with precision in that range. I'm tempted to say use an
outdoor thermometer (i.e. the ones you use to find out how hot or cold it
is today), but I'd be concerned with safety issues. You can get specific
"tempering thermometers" which are accurate in the crucial range, although
they require some searching. These are ideal.
Alex Rast
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