On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:47:00 -0800, jkil > Screamed
something into the void that sounded like:
>gman99 wrote:
>> jkil > wrote:
>>>Moral Values; that's what decided this election. Bush certainly has his
>>>faults but most Americans like to think that they are a moral and and
>>>somewhat pious (Christian) people.
>> You MUST be a troll...moral values ?? You call liying, cheating and
>> stealing good moral vaules ?? You have no problem with the fact that the
>> president LIED and sent young people off to kill and be killed for NO
>> reason other than to allow his cronies companies to make BILLIONS ?? Screw
>> you head on a little tighter then give it a shake !!
>Get used to it bozo. We are in control. We will be everywhere and
>ruining everything.
I am sure that is true.