Hey, good point!!
I'm in the upper Midwest, so they could be Canadian, or Cilantro type.
I'll be checking the packages.
Thanks, both of you----
George > wrote in message
. ..
> "Jarkat2002" > wrote in message
> ...
> > This afternoon I bought a one pound bag of carrots to put in the evening
> meal.
> > The carrots look fine, and there texture also appears to be fine.
> > As I was pealing and chopping, my daughter (4yo) wanted some. After I
> gave it
> > to her she told me it was very YUCKY and spit it in the trash. Totally
> not
> > like her at all! She loves carrots.
> > I tasted one, they almost taste soapy. Really disgusting!!! Lucky for
> they
> > didn't get put into my pot roast tonight!
> > Anyone know how they can look so great and taste so bad? The taste is
> > through the carrot, it's not really like there was just some soap
> from
> > them being washed while they were processed.
> > ~Kat
> Were they Canadian carrots? Store here sell both California and Canadian
> carrots. Sometimes the California carrots are not available and I will buy
> bag of Canadian. They look like carrots but always seem to have a
> texture and a much different taste. I buy them thinking that the last time
> was just a fluke and maybe the latest crop will be different. I just
> a small bag of Canadian a few weeks ago and that is the last time I will
> ever buy them.
> >
> >
> > "I think I would like to call myself 'the girl who wanted to be God'.
> if I
> > were not in this body, where would I be--perhaps I am destined to be
> classified
> > and qualified. But, oh, I cry out aginst it." --Sylvia Plath
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