In article >,
(SportKite1) wrote:
> >From:
> > We grow quite a few tomatoes on our farm,mostly Celebrity,Viva
> >Italiana,Abe Lincoln hybrid and a few other varieties.It wasn't the best
> >season this year,but we canned 60 qts.
> Hi there!
> Would you mind if I picked your brain here? I was reading a book on 'mater
> growing in the south. There was a quote that said a well tended plant should
> yield 100 lbs of tomatoes in its season. No particular variety was mentioned.
> What I'm inquiring you think this is way out of wack...inflated yield
> so to speak.
> Thanks,
> Ellen
Not if the plant is tended perfectly...
Perfect lighting conditions, keep all the branches tied up,
hand-water from the base (no overhead watering) and you have
the right variety. I've started using 7 ft. tall poles to stake them
instead of cages. Putting them on a 6 ft. wire fence is even better!
More to tie to and you can spread the vine out better for easier access
to the fruits.
Beefsteak variety comes to mind, but the better boys or patios will
yield well too.
We had too much rain this summer so my plants got kinda blighted from
the overhead water, so I only got a good yield on the sweet 100's and
the plum tomatoes. The rest only did ok but the vines did not get very
I just put 3 nice new 12" vines into separate 3 gallon pots and have
placed them with a cage inside of one of the greenhouses. This will be
my very first attempt at winter hothouse tomatoes! I just got my
greenhouses this spring. ;-) I put up 3 of these and will be putting in
a 4th one over the main old garden bed this winter:
I _highly_ recommend these!!! They are well prices and are FAR sturdier
than they appear to be. I love them. :-) They also go up in about 30
minutes or so. Easier than pitching a camping tent.
But, in answer to your question, yes, I think it is possible.
Tomato vines get remarkably large!!!
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra