"Stark" > wrote in message
> In article >, jkil
> > wrote:
> > Moral Values; that's what decided this election. Bush certainly has his
> > faults but most Americans like to think that they are a moral and and
> > somewhat pious (Christian) people.
> >
> > Moral values. That's the reason that Bill Clinton can never again win
> > election. That's the reason Kerry lost; folks perceived him as a
coward, a
> > traitor, a gigolo, and an effete lover of "old Europe" and what Europe
> > thinks and does. I think this election emphatically presents the END
> > our nation of this worshiping and continuously protecting Europe while
> > continuously try to appear superior to real Americans !!
> >
> > God Bless America ! Within weeks we will be returned to a moral nation
> > with a moral leader. Those who don't like it can leave.
> > We can help them leave.
> >
> > No freebies for anyone and there will be no funds for welfare and
> > entitlements. We will win our great Crusades.
> >
> > Let them begin at home as we stop the baby murder by the wiles of the
> > new Supreme Court Justices who will be placed in order.
> Good idea. I'm moving to France.
Moi aussi.