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amnspam (Dale Williams) wrote in message >...
> thanks for notes.
> '90 Pomerols, hard to go wrong!
> Do you have much Chandon-de-Briailles experience? Not a producer I've tried
> much of, but I've been very impressed with the couple I've tried. And reading
> Claude Kolm's notes on the 2002s make them sound like worth searching out.
> best,
> Dale

Dale - not a lot, but a little. Can't remember the vintages, but think
they were both from the mid-late 1980's. From what I recall, they were
a little on the rustic side but showed a pureness of fruit that looked
like medium-term agers. This wine was leftover from my wedding (still
3 bottles left) but I'm not planning on keeping it as an 'anniversary
cuvee' as it doesn't have the stuffing for that.
Since the 2002 vintage was so much better, I'd be inclined to consider
buying it.

Be well,
