>The causes of feeling unwell in all sorts of ways aren't just the
>alcohol or the "sulfites". There are some wines which provoke in me a
>horrible reaction which lasts for two days or so - sort of flu-like
>with aching joints and a run down feeling (but no sniffles or cold
>like symptoms). Fresh strawberries do the same (though
>cooked/processed don't).
>I don't know what the compound is, and can't really describe how it
>smells/tastes. If I don't smell it (which I usually can) I can
>immediately taste it in a wine and
>thus avoid more than a sip. It's
>not likely to be sulfites or anything unnaturally added as it first
>manifested itself when I was a child with strawberries fresh off the
>plants in my grandmother's garden
This sounds like an allergy to me.
Histamines are prevalent in red wines.
(I think this is right, but the physical scientists can clarify). I stopped
mixing red wine and cheese, because it makes my mouth burn, although wine or
cheese taken separately are OK for me. Ripe bananas and salad dressings can do
the same thing to me.
Mold growth may be a problem in the strawberries. I don't know about the wine.
Food allergy tests are very unreliable, so checking this is difficult.
Tom Schellberg