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On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 21:55:41 -0000, "Beav"
> wrote:

>>>"jkil" > wrote in message
>>>> Moral Values; that's what decided this election. Bush certainly has his
>>>> faults but most Americans like to think that they are a moral and and
>>>> somewhat pious (Christian) people.
>>>> Moral values. That's the reason that Bill Clinton can never again win
>>>> an
>>>> election. That's the reason Kerry lost; folks perceived him as a coward,
>>>> a
>>>> traitor, a gigolo, and an effete lover of "old Europe" and what Europe
>>>> thinks and does. I think this election emphatically presents the END in
>>>> our nation of this worshiping and continuously protecting Europe while
>>>> they
>>>> continuously try to appear superior to real Americans !!
>>>As opposed to false Americans? Knobhead
>>>> God Bless America ! Within weeks we will be returned to a moral nation
>>>> with a moral leader. Those who don't like it can leave.
>>>> We can help them leave.
>>>You THINK you could, your coursts on the other hand would think differently.
>>>Like I said, Knobhead.
>>>> No freebies for anyone and there will be no funds for welfare and
>>>> entitlements. We will win our great Crusades.
>>>> Let them begin at home as we stop the baby murder by the wiles of the new
>>>> Supreme Court Justices who will be placed in order.
>>>Get some fresh drugs, the ones you're using now are doing some serious work
>>>on you. Knobhead


Religion is the opiate of the masses.

Karl Marx