"Cross- Posting"
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On 5 Nov 2004 19:01:44 -0800,
(Carol T)
Screamed something into the void that sounded like:
>"menu boy" > wrote in message news:<iRzid.284$iZ2.279@trndny08>...
>> > To know what makes The Lord angry is to know His Word, that He is His
>> > Word and through His Word and Holy Sprit others will come to recognise
>> > Him in you.
>> I didn't say I *know*. I said "may". There are no absolutes.
>There are absolutes in knowing what others know of His Word. It's like
>a surgeon delving into someone's body to have an in-depth look. He
>will instinctively know someone who has never picked up a scalpel.
>It's OK, Christ doesn't mind. (now how did I know that
>Read 'The Great Book' it gets you there quicker.
>Christ is the light and way to your salvation, and through Him you
>will come to *know* God's temperament.
>In Christ's love
>Carol T
you are arguing with andrew chung's sock puppet as if you are talking
to someone real and sane.
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