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>"Mike Pearce" writes:
>Like I mentioned to Sheryl, I really enjoy cooking all the food myself. If
>my guests really want to help out they can show up on time, or close to it.
>I moved to New Orleans a couple of years ago. I don't know what it is about
>this place, but everyone shows up late for gatherings. A good day is when
>guests show up only a half hour late, more often they are an hour or more
>late. That's fine if it's just hanging out but it makes it hard to time a
>meal when you don't know when people are going to get there.Whenever I go to
>someone's for a get together I'm just about always the first one there, even
>if I purposely try to show up late.

I've discovered that the further south the slower folks move... in Mexico and
the rest of Central America it's considered on time if you arrive that day.

But then in the US the southerners are not as likely to host formal dinners,
generally is more of an indoor picnic where everyone brings a covered dish...
doesn't matter a whit that six people brought potato salad, and since the main
entree is bologna sammiches on white with yeller musturd y'all don't never mind
who shows when... so long as there's plenty beer and parking for the pickups..

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."