>Petra Hildebrandt writes:
>Sheryl Rosen wrote:
>> Everyone has a good time, and by the time we're done with the appetizers,
>> we're all feeling really good, glad that Charlie or Mike had no cooking
>> ability and graced us with a couple good bottles of wine, by then no one
>> cares who made what, as long as it tastes good and we get to laugh
>> Isn't that the entire point of sharing a meal with friends?
>> Or maybe I'm the one who's got it all wrong.
>No, you've got it perfectly all right. That's what it's all about, and I
>second the thought of having more quality time and fun _together_ because
>everybody contributes what he or she can. Same with me. I'm hosting a
>Thanksgiving feast with friens - one has a 1-room apartment and no space. I
>happen to have space & table for a party and live in the middle of all of
>them. Friends bring wine or a dessert, some bread, I prepare the turkey,
>another one contributes cool board games - and so on...
Why the need to apologize so...
Sounds like Salvation Army Thanksgiving for the homeless. A wonderful concept,
and quite appropriate, even more appropriate to volunteer your time and effort
to the real deal, if that's your thing, and you actually do it instead of
pretending. Your concept, patronizingly sticky sweet though it may be, is not
something I'd aspire to... gotta tell yoose, I never had a hankering for a
Thanksgiving beach party... something about the informality of it just dosen't
jive with genuine/serious Thankfulness. Enjoy your pot party, but to me
Thanksgiving has some deeper spiritual meaning than totally unstructured "do
your own thing". Unstructured could be why so many in your liberal Democrat
crowd lead such perpetually needy lives (your explanation/alibi).... seems
you'll never really have much to be Thankful for, so I suppose pretending you
do one day a year works for you. I count my blessings and am Thankful every
day, but one day each year I give formal Thanks, with some decorem.
-[p0=o98m <--- Jilly just typed this, says shut up already and hold me...
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."