Hmmm...why don't you tell us what you REALLY feel-?
May I infer from your comment that you're a supporter of the Israeli
cause-? Seems like they were ceded Palestine a few generations ago, no
matter the consequences. A bit of fun by the Brits, what-?
I agree that the whole matter has become tiresome, and I am really in
favor of arming the two sides and letting 'em settle the geography once
and for all, with no additional help from the Western infidels.
But, this IS a forum for cooking. Perhaps someone can suggest quick 'n
easy meals for combatants on the run.
Chef Buzz-O-dee
Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Like every other thing the "Palestinians" have attempted, when it comes to
> cookery they are a big fat FLOP...
> What a bunch of dumbasses, I wish I could push a button and immediately
> erase from the earth *all* "Palestinians" (and a - rabs and moozlims, too).
> Worthless bunch of scumbag garbage, the lot of 'em...SCREW 'em.
> I'm sure the EU and the UN will be crying their usual crocodile tears when
> the criminal douche bag Arafat croaks...what else can one expect from such a
> bunch who possess such louche and sleezy "morals"...???