Richard Periut > wrote in
>> Oh yeah Fallujah, the place they attacked last April. Maybe you
>> will have better luck next time.
> They didn't attack it with full force. Now that the fag foaming in
> the mouth liberal commies have no voice, things will be done the
> good ole'e USA way.
And you'll only succeed in making martyrs of the people there and the
fighting will start somewhere else, fuelled by the need to avenge
their death (a concept you should be familiar with, by now).
> Way too much freedom for a dangerous species like ours, has to be
> met with only one thing our species understands best; brutal
> force.
Spoken like a true Nazi.
"It is easier for a rich man to enter heaven seated
comfortably on the back of a camel, than it is for
a poor man to pass through the eye of a needle."
Supply Side Jesus