"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
message ink.net...
> PENMART01 wrote:
>> But then in the US the southerners are not as likely to host formal
> dinners,
>> generally is more of an indoor picnic where everyone brings a covered
> dish...
>> doesn't matter a whit that six people brought potato salad, and since the
> main
>> entree is bologna sammiches on white with yeller musturd y'all don't
>> never
> mind
>> who shows when... so long as there's plenty beer and parking for the
> pickups..
> Don't fergit the mattresses in the back of the pickup trucks...and the
> loaded blunderbusses on the gun rack for shootin' coons.
> --
> Best
> Greg
> =======================
Wow. While I know there is some tongue in cheek going on here... bad
blanket statements...
I am a born in the South Southerner. I do host formal dinners as do several
of my friends and family. I do have friends that do the pot luck too but
that really hasn't been the norm in any of the areas that I ever lived in.