"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> (laugh) Ron made the most awful pot roast using onions, carrots,
> potatoes and beef stock. I don't know what else went in there.
> In there means the crock pot. Flavorless and underdone.
> Any saves out there? I'm thinking just start over in a regular
> pot in the oven and add something. Anything.
> It might not be tomorrow as there has been a death in the family.
> But this roast needs serious help. Starting with liquid.
> nancy
A crock pot is a device for saving iron pans from tomato sauce and for
serving - not for cooking meat and expecting flavor. No searing and too low
a temp for decent roast. A couple of sage leaves should take out that
boiled blood flavor.
You said underdone - if the meat is grey thru, put it in with a couple sage
leaves and a can or two of manwich and slow cook it for six hours - and
serve it on buns.
If the beef is red in the middle, cut it in half or quarters and sear the
red to brown (after grey) in some oil in an iron pan. Remove meat and add a
large thick sliced onion to the pan and fry, stirring until just dark. (add
oil if needed)
Put the meat back in on top of the onions, layer the carrots on and around
the meat and the potatoes on top, put in some parsley on top and a couple of
sage leaves on the side, add a cup of water, cover with heavy lid, and
simmer on the stove for about three hours (or in the oven at 325 for 3-4