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"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> Dawn wrote:
>> Beyond that we haven't made many plans, this being
>> the first year we have no family in town due to deaths and divorces. I'm
>> not much in the mood for celebrating.

> So quit feeling sorry for yourself and stop the self - indulgent pity
> partying already, you merely come off as pathetic.
> You've no doubt a lot more going for you than many others around you do,
> just look around. Stop kvetching, it makes you look weak and foolish (or
> maybe it's just a female "thing").


I guess you mean it makes her look weak and foolish *to you.* To me it looks
like a pretty much matter-of-fact statement, and I'm left wondering what
issues would cause you to overreact to such an extent.

My husband and I have no family except each other, which of course means we
are blessed and better off than many others around us. On the other hand,
that circumstance means we have to figure out ways to celebrate holidays
without the primary thing that makes them special to many if not most
people--the extended family that being with makes for a special occasion.
There's a certain empty feeling that never really goes away, especially when
just about all your loved ones have died. It sounds as if you haven't
experienced this, either because they're still alive or you had none to
begin with.

Since neither of us is that crazy about traditional Thanksgiving food, our
tradition is to go to out to an elegant Italian restaurant the day after.
And we do go with a thankful attitude. But a bit of loneliness, too.