Bad, I mean bad, pot roast
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Dan Abel
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In article >,
> (laugh) Ron made the most awful pot roast using onions, carrots,
> potatoes and beef stock. I don't know what else went in there.
> In there means the crock pot. Flavorless and underdone.
Reminds me of a dreadful experience we had about 30 years ago, which I
still remember vividly. We were staying with some people we didn't know
very well. They got home from work, fairly late, and the wife announced
that she was making pot roast. Now, I know that you don't come home late
and cook a pot roast from scratch, not for *that* night anyway. She
didn't seem like the type who would appreciate a helpful hint, so we
didn't say anything. She browned it nicely, but then only cooked it for a
half hour or so. It was pretty much inedible due to toughness, but I
forced down a few bites for the sake of politeness. There was quite a bit
left over, as you can imagine!
Dan Abel
Sonoma State University
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