>This year we're doing Thanksgiving with our neighbors, aka the Friday
>night follies gang. None of us has family in the area. Thus far there
>will be tomato bisque, turkey, cranberry-orange relish and pies. The
>meal will be complicated by food allergies--one person is allergic to
>walnuts, another to onions and garlic. The latter is the more touchy
>issue foodwise--how to make stuffing without onions?
>C.J. Fuller
>Delete the obvious to email me
Turkey stuffing with out onions is frightening to say the least. Here is a
suggestion, make stuffing, take out a little bit BEFORE you put in the onions,
that way if someone is allergic to onions they will not have to worry about
Truthfully, I have never heard of an allergy to onions, but there is always
something new to learn.