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Julia Altshuler
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Cindy Fuller wrote:
> This year we're doing Thanksgiving with our neighbors, aka the Friday
> night follies gang. None of us has family in the area. Thus far there
> will be tomato bisque, turkey, cranberry-orange relish and pies. The
> meal will be complicated by food allergies--one person is allergic to
> walnuts, another to onions and garlic. The latter is the more touchy
> issue foodwise--how to make stuffing without onions?

Could you make the stuffing normally and bake it, not inside the turkey,
but in a pan on the side? Call it a dressing. That way the allergic
person just skips that one dish and can enjoy the turkey. There is
generally so much good stuff at a Thanksgiving table that skipping one
or two dishes for health reasons shouldn't be too terrible. Or ask the
allergic person if s/he has a favorite recipe. I've heard of asofetida
as an onion substitute, but I really can't picture it.
