"Pan Ohco" wrote in message
> On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 11:52:43 -0500, Nancy Young <>
> wrote:
>>Here's the thing, and I notice this with my parent's generation,
>>they say come at 2 and they have dinner on the table at 2. Hello,
>>give some leeway. Have cheese and crackers out, whatever, in case
>>it's not working out for the commute for some of us.
> If I say come to dinner at 2, I mean that I will be serving dinner at
> 2.
> You are welcome to come at 1 and have cheese and crackers, but dinner
> will be at 2.
> Pan Ohco
I noticed in several UK authored books a rather interesting way of wording a
verbal invitation for dinner---for example, 6 for 7, meaning we will be
ready to receive guests at 6 and dinner will be served at 7.