On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 01:23:42 GMT, Puester >
>Yes, but evidently not as much as magazine subscriptions,
>wrapping paper, frozen pizzas, candy bars, frozen cookie dough,
>ad nauseam, literally.
Indeed. The Ever Spectacular 10-year-old in the family brings home
fund raising catalogues from which, of course, we feel obliged to
purchase. Absolute utter cr*p. We have to just *comb* through it to
find something to purchase that isn't complete junk or completely
useless. I'd far rather just write the school a check and forget the
charade that we're getting value for the purchase.
"Just what kind of jackassery do I have to put up with today?" Danae
in "Non Sequitur"
To reply, replace "spaminator" with "cox"