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Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>When I *did* put out an older but running vacuum cleaner because I'd

> gotten
>>one much lighter-weight with more power and which didn't require those
>>stupid bags, the sign I put on it read: "I WORK. TAKE ME." Voila, it was
>>gone before nightfall.

> The record for me was for an old gas grill. 15 minutes.
> Funniest was an old and very long sofa. It did not fit well into the little
> Escort station wagon so the guy had his wife walk behind the wagon and hold
> it balanced.

Oh my, Ed, that is FUNNY!! My husband and I had a funny thing happen
with an old, dead computer monitor years ago. We put it out to the curb
with the trash in the morning. I came home over lunch and the trash had
still not been picked up but I noticed the monitor was gone. When we
got home later in the evening, not only was the trash still there but,
the monitor had been RETURNED! The trash, along with the monitor, was
finally picked up the next day.