On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 14:47:25 -0500, Goomba38 >
>ravinwulf wrote:
>> I'm pretty firmly set on the turkey, dressing, and potatoes, although
>> I may end up replacing either the stuffed squash with the "family"
>> sweet potato casserole or the spinach with the "family" broccoli
>> casserole
>Ohhhhhhhhhh don't!! The squash and spinach sound
>good!! Those sweet potato dishes with those
>marshmallows and that broccoli casserole are
>always predictable. Or at least (better yet!) do
>them all!! I always have at least 4 vegetable
>dishes at TG, and notice a lot of people make
>"special meals" with so few and often noting even
>fresh or green.
LOL It's not quite that bad! There are no marshmallows involved in
our traditional sweet potato thing; it's more a praline topping with
pecans and coconut. And the broccoli casserole is better than your
average bear as well IMO, with lots of garlic, real cheese and big
chunks of mushrooms. That said, I'll probably stick with the squash
and spinach anyway. I like to do something a little different every
year; but not so far out that it's unrecognizable as thanksgiving.

My main concern is that the winter squash with a rice stuffing might
be a tad too much starch on top of the dressing and mashed potatoes;
but hey, it's thanksgiving! No harm in a little carb overindulgence
once a year, right?
Tracy R. <--thinking maybe I'll add the Balsamic Roasted Onions from
last year too, so we have another not-starchy side dish...