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>Julia Altshuler
>I work at a place that sells wine and cheese. We've done a few cheese
>platters. We'd like to do more. So far, a cheese platter is a few
>types of cheese, maybe a blue, a soft, a chevre and something nicely
>aged and hard, cut into squares and arranged on a platter with a bunch
>of grapes, some green fresh herbs, little toothpicks, etc. In other
>words, BORING. We want something gorgeous, wowza, some design element
>in the presentation that's unmistakeably ours (though we don't mind
>stealing an idea from someone else) and spectacular. Any ideas? We
>have access to normal ingredients from the supermarket. Everything on
>the platter doesn't have to be edible. It just has to look attractive
>and classy.

I'll assume you're serving cheese already cut into cubes each impaled by a
toothpic, because they are samples for customers, otherwise that's about the
tackiest way to serve cheese, in fact it's downright rude, to the cheese.
Typically cheese is served as an entire piece, large enough to be representive
of how the entire cheese actually appears in nature, with a cheese knife, folks
slice their own... but there is no law says a cheese host/ess can't do the
honors. There really is no fancy way to present cheese, the more plainly
presented the more spectacular. Ideally each cheese is served by itself on
it's own well wrought board acompanied by an appropriate knife for that type of
cheese... save your artistic ability for the baskets of crackers... if you are
really, really serious about properly presenting good cheese then the
accompaniment of Champagne and Beluga is absolutely manditory.

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