In article >, "Dave
W." > wrote:
> In article >,
> "Dave W." > wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Margaret Suran > wrote:
> >
> > > It's possible that I goofed and posted a private email message to
> > > rfc.
> > > With attachments. If it turns out that way, don't be annoyed
> > > with
> > > Margaret, be annoyed with me. Mea culpa.
> > > -Barb
> >
> > Well, I don't see any private email with or without attachments in rfc,
> > so post it again. Then we can get annoyed (at you, not Margaret). ;^)
> >
> Whoops, looks like it did get posted. Sure got somebody named Rick all
> hot an bothered! Yer just gonna have to be more careful! I mean, really,
> Barb, you got some nerve posting pictures on rfc, especially of ugly
> dishes! Now I'm annoyed. Really, really annoyed! 8^/ Grrrrr....
> Dave W.
Look, you should want bite me, too? LOL.
I've just returned from New York - home safe and sound, mostly.
Pressure was tough on my stuffy head for a brief period. My True Love
fetched me from the a/p, we stopped for a little supper, and here I am.
Dirty laundry is down the chute (thrown down the basement steps for
tomorrow's work), the freakin' cookies are out of the bag, half a bar of
Perugina chocolate is eaten (in flight) AND I LEFT MY OLIVES AT
MARGARET'S! (Shuttle came way early and I hastily scrambled out the
door, olives not thought of until about 10 minutes away.) What a
revoltin' development this turned out to be! JAYzuzz!!
-Barb, <> Updated 10-22-04; Popovers!.
"Peace will come when the power of love overcomes the love of power."
-Jimi Hendrix, and Lt. Joe Corcoran, Retired; St. Paul PD, Homicide Divn.