"Stop that Astronaut!" wrote:
> Arafat is ALIVE and WELL. The man in a coma is a lookalike!! The REAL
> Arafat took off from a secret UFO base in Austria, accompanied by a
> big robot bodyguard. Here's the proof!!!!
Lookalike fakes? Is that like those nudie pictures of Dr Laura?
So I was feeding the hummingbirds but not changing the feeder sugar
water quickly enough and it fermented into something like that stuff
that Hunter S Thompson was drinking in the Rum Diary, anyway, so I had
these drunk birds flying everywhere just like mosquitoes in Minnesota,
dashing up one side of me, darting down the other, crashing into the
windows, falling off their perches, didn't even know they perched,
flying backwards, flying backwards, it was like something out of the
Exorcist. After a while though, I got bored with it all. Next Summer I'm
going to Alaska to feed french bread soaked in Wild Turkey to polar
bears. Wish me luck!