Sheryl Rosen > wrote in
> Hang in there, and as Wayne said...tradition keeps us going.
> It hurts to do the same things you did with the people you miss (for
> whatever reason they are not in your life anymore) the first few times.
> After that, it hurts too much NOT to do them, because part of healing is
> realizing that doing those things without them....sort of keeps them
> with you. You honor them by taking part in events they would have liked
> to share with you, because in doing so, you can't help but remember
> them.
> I kinda wish someone had told me this 2 years ago. But then again, maybe
> it's something that, no matter how many times you are told, you just
> have to figure it out for yourself.
> Either way, try to enjoy your holidays!
Very well said, Sheryl. I felt all of the things you stated. Have a
wonderful Thanksgiving!
Wayne in Phoenix
*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.