On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 19:33:53 +0000, VBH > wrote:
>>>Beav wrote:
>>>> "jkil" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>>Moral Values; that's what decided this election. Bush certainly has his
>>>>>faults but most Americans like to think that they are a moral and and
>>>>>somewhat pious (Christian) people.
>>>>>Moral values. That's the reason that Bill Clinton can never again win
>>>>>election. That's the reason Kerry lost; folks perceived him as a coward,
>>>>>traitor, a gigolo, and an effete lover of "old Europe" and what Europe
>>>>>thinks and does. I think this election emphatically presents the END in
>>>>>our nation of this worshiping and continuously protecting Europe while
>>>>>continuously try to appear superior to real Americans !!
>>>> As opposed to false Americans? Knobhead
>>>>>God Bless America ! Within weeks we will be returned to a moral nation
>>>>>with a moral leader. Those who don't like it can leave.
>>>>>We can help them leave.
>>>> You THINK you could, your coursts on the other hand would think differently.
>>>> Like I said, Knobhead.
>>>>>No freebies for anyone and there will be no funds for welfare and
>>>>>entitlements. We will win our great Crusades.
>>>>>Let them begin at home as we stop the baby murder by the wiles of the new
>>>>>Supreme Court Justices who will be placed in order.
>>>> Get some fresh drugs, the ones you're using now are doing some serious work
>>>> on you. Knobhead
>>>> Beav
>>>Just a footnote to sleepy, don't bother crossposting this to every NG
>>>you can think of.
Not very observant of you. It is only X posted back to the original
NGs that beav sent it to from ASD, minus ASD and MHD, and adding
ASDUK, so his countrymen, being intelligent enough to see what he is
doing, might try to reign him in. Unfortunately it seems like an
overreach on my part.
>I have read it once already thanks and you have
>>>already convinced everyone in those NGs that you are a waster with too
>>>much time on your hands. Job done.
>>>Pity cos when you post your own material it has a habit of being
>>>interesting. Shame you do not do much of that anymore.
>>>p.s. regarding the post, Beav's right - the poster's head is a phallus
Agreed on that. Odd as it may seem, I often agree with the content of
beav's X posts. I just see no reason to add the Lutherans and Baptists
to the coterie of madmen we have on our hands at the time.
>>>T2/UK/A1c 5.8/ 1000Met/Dx Oct-03
Why don't you tell your pal beav to stop X posting out of this NG,
ASD, which does nothing but draw his replies back here. I am not going
to lose any sleep about the other crackpot NGs your bud usually X
posts to, having a poor opinion of me. Lots of people here do too! So
what? Sorry if that bothers you. When your mate stops X posting from
here, I will stop sending his messages back and including ASDUK. Too
many times I have read in ASDUK, that ASD is filled with nothing but
crossposting, spamming Americans, with beav often leading the chorus.
and all agreeing what a waste of time it is posting or reading this
NG. Very hypocritical being from one of those most responsible for
filling this NG with X posted rubbish. Makes me begin to think that it
is deliberate sabotage, as he rarely posts anything of value. So lets
make it simple. He X posts his bullshit out of this NG, its coming
right back at ya. Hope you enjoy chung and mu and all his cronies plus
the added joy of all the fundie groups. Ta Ta!
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
Karl Marx