Gabby wrote:
> "Richard Periut" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>>>On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:03:02 -0500, Nancy Young >
>>>>Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>>>What my dentist told me is that, as one grows older <sigh>, one's gums
>>>recede, leaving the newly "revealed" tooth bits vulnerable. Sooo, I
>>>slosh Listerine and ACT every day (Listerine, I'm told, kills almost
>>>all of the germs in one's mouth for the day). Jeez, I don't recall
>>>worrying about cr*p like this 15 years ago...!
>>In order for all the germs in your mouth to be killed, you'd have to rinse
>>with very strong acid, a process I do not recommend because it can result
>>in death--not to mention severe disfigurement of your oral cavity.
>>It's a fad. Listerine may kill some germs, but believe me, the bulk
>>remains in your mouth, especially in the crevices between your teeth, et
>>Listerine is nothing more that one of the many legends which have been
>>propagated by our media.
> Not according to the ADA
All it states is that it "helps" reduce gum disease. It does not state
that it kills most bacteria in your mouth; that's their pitch they want
you to believe.
Also, you fell for the oldest trick in the book, a pharmaceutical
company designing and funding a study which glorifies its product.
Believe me, studying medical publications on a weekly basis, has allowed
me to recognize BS when it is published.
"Dum Spiro, Spero."
As long as I breath, I hope.
Cicero (Ancient Rome)
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Let there be fish!!!