Thread: Purple Foods
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The Joneses
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The Ranger wrote:

> In a class I'm teaching, we're getting the kids to remember the
> letter "p" and associating it with purple. I was amazed at how many
> foods they were able to name right off the bat that *are* purple:
> potatoes, plums, grapes, eggplants, and beets are five that circled
> the group at different moments.
> What are some other purple foods that are currently available?
> The Ranger

Is wine a food? Blackberries, they really are purple, mulberries are
kinda magenta I think-not the white ones tho. Howsa about redleaf
lettuce. Might look purple... And I believe there is a sort of pinto
kind of bean with purple splotches. There are purple green beans too (a
new variety?), they turn green when you cook them tho. I pickled up a
passle of purplish okra this year. Turned the pickle liquid a red color.
