"Jeff" > wrote in message
>I am mainly just looking for a healthier way to cook onion rings. I can
> them in the deep fryer and they turn out perfectly. I actually love
> cooking
> onion rings in the deep fryer. I am just trying to be a little healthier
> in
> how I cook certain foods. I have always used the deep fryer for onion
> rings,
> french fries, chicken nuggets, etc. I now cook french fries and chicken
> nuggets by putting them in the oven and they turn out perfectly. Onion
> rings
> are the only thing that I cook in the oven that just dosen't taste the
> same.
> I know eating less of all of these foods are probably best for a healthier
> diet, but when I do eat them I just want it to be as healthy as possible.
> Are there any ways to cook onion rings other than a deep fryer and still
> have them nice and crispy?
Certain textures can not be duplicated which are based upon a cooking method
can not be duplicated.
I would suggest you Read up on "Healthy". A body needs a certain amount of
oils (the right kind) in order to keep cholesterol in check.