In article >,
Margaret Suran > wrote:
> Recipe: Coq au Riesling
> Published: November 10, 2004
> Time: 1 1/2 hour, plus overnight refrigeration (optional)
> 8 ounces sliced bacon, sliced crosswise into 1-inch pieces
> 3 medium onions, peeled and roughly chopped
> 10 chicken thighs, with skin and bone
> 8 ounces button mushrooms, halved
> 2 large or 3 small cloves garlic, peeled and minced
> 1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley
> 3 tablespoons chopped tarragon
> 1 bottle dry or off-dry riesling wine.
> 1. Place large flameproof casserole or other heavy-bottomed pan over
> medium heat. ......etc
The "flameproof casserole" could be, I suppose, one of those French made
enameled cast iron jobs or perhaps a ceramic casserole like Corningware.
Would a garden variety cast iron Dutch oven do the job or would the iron
have an untoward effect on the food. I don't cook much with wine ...
does one need to keep iron away from a dish like this?
Sorry. I realize this is a newbie (perhaps stupid) kind of question, but
then I'm a newbie (perhaps stupid) kinda guy.
Dave W.