Matthew Venhaus wrote:
> PENMART01 > wrote in message
> ...
>>>"Matthew Venhaus" writes:
>>>Peter Aitken wrote
>>>>Deep frying properly done adds surprisingly little oil to the finished
>>>>product. If you use a "good" oil such as canola or olive the health
> impact
>>>Do you really deep fry with olive oil?
>>Why not, many folks deep fry with olive oil... there are all kinds of
> olive
>>oil, for deep frying most folks use ordinary el cheapo generic, not extra
>>virgin... unless you have more dollars than brain cells.
> I wouldn't because to me the ideal frying oil is bland, inexpensive, and has
> a high smoke point. Canola (rapeseed) oil meets all of these requirements;
> olive oil--at least the type I am accustomed to--meets none of them.
Actually, I prefer peanut and corn oil; they have higher smoking points
than canola.
"Dum Spiro, Spero."
As long as I breath, I hope.
Cicero (Ancient Rome)
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Let there be fish!!!