In article >, Dawn
> wrote:
> SportKite1 wrote:
> > For those who celebrate Thanksgiving - what do you plan to make this
> > year?
> We decided on turkey this year, and will get a ham for Christmas. My
> husband will brine and roast the bird as usual.
> I think I will do the cranberry fruit relish and the pumpkin pecan torta
> that we both like. Beyond that we haven't made many plans, this being
> the first year we have no family in town due to deaths and divorces. I'm
> not much in the mood for celebrating.
> Dawn
I'm sorry for your troubles. You don't say how many you're prepping
for, Dawn, but if you're truly not much for a celebration -- on a day
for celebrating -- get outside yourself and find a place to volunteer
for the day. My sister's beloved husband died couple days after
Thanksgiving and every year since she's helped out at the Salvation Army
dinner site in Phoenix, I think. She loves it.
-Barb, <> Updated 11-10-04, The Butter Dish.
"There is no indigestion worse than that which comes from having
to eat your own words."