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Dave Smith > wrote in

> I had a friend who was a bit of a crotchety old guy who had zero
> tolerance for late dinner guests, especially in-laws. If he planned
> dinner for 6 pm, dinner was served at 6 pm. If they showed up while
> the food was still on the table. But he had a habit of cleaning up
> promptly, so if they arrived after the others had eaten they were not
> fed.

My grampa definitely had zero tolerance for dinner guests period!

On Thanksgiving Sunday, in the middle of dinner, grampa would yell
"Everybody shutup!!! Wonderful World of Disney is on!" waving the remote
from the head of the dining room table. So much for football.

Kids (me) and adults alike were silenced down to whispers for that hour.

He was a judge + he had the first color TV in the family, with a remote,
no less!

He secretly enjoyed my rock'n'roll music, so he was rightfully the
coolest judge on the planet in my book!

When he passed away, he left me his set of Waterford crystal whiskey
glasses and decantur. HOW DID HE KNOW!!?

R.I.P. Grampa.
