"Victor Sack" > wrote in message
.. .
> Dave W. > wrote:
> > The "flameproof casserole" could be, I suppose, one of those French made
> > enameled cast iron jobs or perhaps a ceramic casserole like Corningware.
> > Would a garden variety cast iron Dutch oven do the job or would the iron
> > have an untoward effect on the food. I don't cook much with wine ...
> > does one need to keep iron away from a dish like this?
> A cast iron Dutch oven or casserole would indeed do the job well enough,
> even though it will react a bit to the acidity of the wine. The
> difference will be hardly noticeable, though.
> Victor
Oh no, you'll have to get her own brand of casserole dish! Otherwsie the
dish would not cook well, the thighs would run away and the wine would be
mysteriously drank by someone other than the cook. ;-)